Welcome to the Packard website, designed to help you further research the history of your instrument.
One of the most frequent questions I have received over the years is, "How do I date my organ or piano?" Serial numbers are used to date any Packard instrument. By clicking on the Serial Numbers tab, you will see a drop down menu for choosing either Piano Serial Numbers or Organ Serial Numbers. Under each tab there is an explanation of the type of numbers to be found and how to locate the number(s) needed to date your instrument. I have included photographs of the numbers to look for and their locations. By clicking on the date charts, you can enlarge them so that they are easier to read. Under the Piano and Organ tabs, I have included selected images of various instruments and emphemera. It is by no means exhaustive. For the availability of a comprehensive history of the company and its organs and pianos, click on the “Packard Books” tab above. These texts include extensive catalog cuts and photographs of various pianos and organs over the years of production.
The Fort Wayne Organ Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana - Est. 1871